Reference POL 04
Issue Date01/05/2024

Origin Payroll Limited

Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

1: Introduction

1.1 Policy Purpose

This Modern Slavery Policy sets forth the commitments of Origin Payroll Limited to identify, prevent, and address any forms of modern slavery within its business operations and extended supply chain. The policy affirms our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

1.2 Policy Scope

This policy applies to all persons working for or on behalf of Origin Payroll Limited in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, contractors, external consultants, third-party representatives, and business partners.

2: Definitions

2.1 Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is an umbrella term encompassing slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking. It involves one person depriving another person of their liberty, in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

3: Policy Commitments

3.1 Ethical Business Conduct

Origin Payroll Limited commits to conducting business free from the taint of modern slavery and human trafficking. This commitment extends to ensuring that our supply chains and business partners also uphold these standards.

3.2 Due Diligence Processes

3.2.1 Internal Audits

Regular audits will be conducted to assess and ensure compliance with this policy within our operations.

3.2.2 Supplier and Partner Reviews

Due diligence on suppliers and partners will involve reviewing their practices and compliance systems to safeguard against any form of modern slavery within their operations.

3.3 Training and Awareness

3.3.1 Employee Education

Training programs will be established to educate employees about modern slavery, how to identify its signs, and the steps to take if they suspect it is occurring within our supply chain or our business operations.

3.3.2 Management Responsibility

Senior Management at Origin Payroll Limited is responsible for implementing this policy, ensuring adherence, and overseeing its integration into our culture and business processes.

4: Risk Management

4.1 Identification and Assessment

We will regularly identify and assess potential risk areas in our business and supply chains where modern slavery could occur.

4.2 Mitigation Strategies

Upon identifying risks, immediate action will be taken to address and mitigate any identified risks of modern slavery.

5: Reporting Modern Slavery

5.1 Reporting Mechanisms

Employees and other business partners are encouraged to report any concerns or breaches of this policy. Origin Payroll Limited ensures that all reports will be dealt with confidentially and without fear of retaliation.

5.2 Protection for Whistleblowers

Origin Payroll Limited is committed to protecting whistleblowers from retaliation and ensures anonymity for those who wish to remain anonymous.

6: Policy Review

6.1 Review Frequency

This policy will be reviewed annually to reflect new legal and regulatory developments and to ensure good practice.

6.2 Update Procedures

Any updates to the policy will be communicated promptly to all employees and relevant third parties to ensure continued understanding and enforcement of our modern slavery commitments.

7: Compliance and Enforcement

7.1 Monitoring Compliance

Compliance with this policy will be continuously monitored and subject to review by Origin Payroll Limited’s compliance department.

7.2 Legal and Ethical Compliance

Origin Payroll Limited commits to updating this policy in accordance with new legislation and ethical requirements to ensure our practices remain robust and relevant.

Approved by Managing Director Jordan Shepherd

Date: 01/05/2024


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